In these intense and tumultuous times, I believe we are all being called to focus our attention, not on outer circumstances and events, but on a most important inner journey, a journey to reclaim the divine within. This divine spark within, our inner divinity, is the light and love we need to find that path through the darkness we face, both personally and collectively. Only through this will we gain our true Sovereignty.
"This divine spark within, our inner divinity, is the light and love we need to find that path through the darkness we face, both personally and collectively."
Our divine genome, held within our spiritual DNA, contains all the coordinates, all the keycodes, to reveal the radiance and splendour of our Sovereign and Divine nature.
However, incarnating in a human body means we enter this life most often forgetting our innate Sovereignty. Our Divine Blueprint, originally encoded within our carbon based DNA, has been tampered with for centuries of human incarnation, removing traces of our Sovereignty and encoded in its place, forgetfulness of our True Nature.
The red pill in this instance, the uncomfortable truth that awakens us, symbolises the journey to truly wake up out of our enmeshment within the current matrix, to realise the creator-godhead within by embodying our Sovereignty. Yet paradoxically, it is through the human journey in this distorted matrix where we uncover and reclaim our Sovereignty. One gritty step at a time.
"Just as it is the grit that makes the pearl, it is the tumultuous journey into the depths where we find the nature of our holy being."
The road to Sovereignty can be a challenging one. There is so much undoing, unravelling, and complete surrendering that needs to happen, sometimes with our conscious and willing participation, yet often from a place of choiceless-ness.
Just as it is the grit that makes the pearl, it is the tumultuous journey into the depths where we find the nature of our holy being. For reclaiming and embodying our Sovereignty is indeed a journey, not a destination. It is the ultimate healing and the hero’s journey.
So, what does it mean to embody our Sovereignty?
Sovereignty is not a theoretical concept that you intellectually understand, but rather an experiential way of being that you live, one day at a time. In your Sovereignty, you respond to life differently. There is a feeling of expansiveness and spaciousness to show up to life anew. Your outlook on life stems from the godhead within, which is to say it is Divine Love and Divine Will informing your response to life - not the ego.
"This journey of healing includes bringing awareness to all the areas in our lives where we feel powerless and to then shift that perspective to that of our unlimited Higher Self."
You are essentially building a bridge - of light - between your carbon-based DNA and your spiritual DNA, reprogramming the very fibre of your life. In this way, you begin to embody the qualities of your Higher Self which are Sovereign and Divine.
To understand Sovereignty, it helps to appreciate that it is part of your healing journey - and not a destination. It is the ultimate individuation process, leading us to our oneness with Source.
The syllables KA MAN DOR, one of the Resonance Alchemy codons, mean sovereignty, and evoke the essence of our sovereignty, the full embodiment of our Divine Nature.
Using these syllables as a silent mantra in meditation can support us in this journey to remembering the Divine within.
This journey of healing includes bringing awareness to all the areas in our lives where we feel powerless and to then shift that perspective to that of our unlimited Higher Self.
Consider how much power we have abdicated to our government, families, relationships, society, and our place of work. Where in our lives do we struggle to take responsibility during challenging moments and rather blame our circumstances instead? Where have we lost or denied our unique creative expression in order to people-please or avoid being hurt for our creations? Our personal recovery from co-dependency - or in other words, healing from the wounding of our essential Self - is leading us toward Sovereignty.
In the Resonance Alchemy work, it is very common for these patterns to show up in a session for clearing and balancing, opening the pathways toward embodying our Sovereignty. While we all have many patterns and old programs that have prevented us from realizing our Sovereign nature, these old ways of being are not who we truly are and can be released and transformed if we are willing. The Resonance Alchemy Codons carry the frequencies and signature of our spiritual DNA, and are a powerful support for us in this process of full embodiment of our Sovereign nature.
In our Sovereignty, we feel our oneness with Source; we hear the call to choose a radical, authentic, compassionate, and sometimes wrathful, loving response that neither denies nor disrespects the other but includes, validates, and frees the other to own their Sovereignty too.
We honour and love our humanity rather than make it wrong. When we know ourselves as the divine within, our perspective of life is raised beyond the limitations of your ego-self. We begin to view life from a place of wonder, curiosity and inspiration and know ourselves as the Creator of our experience.
Ideally, we become an active, conscious participant in this healing journey to reclaim and embody our Sovereignty.
Ideally, we commit to this journey as our number one priority for our spiritual awakening and ascension process.
For when we consciously choose to reclaim and commit to embodying our Sovereignty, we choose to respond to life with the highest vibration of Divine Love. In our Sovereignty, our little will is infused and lit up by the joyous vibrations singing ‘Thy Will be done’.
