Katherine Parker
Hello! I’m Katherine Parker, the founder and developer of Resonance Alchemy. R.A. had its beginnings in 1994, when I had a spontaneous and completely unexpected out of body experience. I found myself going out into space, and was met by a group of Pleiadian Light Beings, who downloaded the information into my being that initiated this powerful system of healing and transformation. Since then, I have been blessed to be the midwife and steward of the profound healing and transformative star knowledge that has continued to unfold and develop through me with assistance from much on going higher dimensional guidance.
The information I received, and continue to receive, has changed my own life in ways I could not have imagined. I have been blessed to not only heal and transform all areas of my own life, but to work with hundreds of clients and students worldwide who have experienced the healing and transformative power of the Resonance Alchemy system. Are you ready for deep healing and activation of your multidimensional radiance? Then I invite you join the many clients and students around the world who have benefited from the profound healing and shifts in consciousness that R.A. offers.
Katherine Parker’s training includes a five year intensive teacher training and ordination in the Diamond Approach under the direction of A.H. Almaas, a method which integrates modern depth psychology with ancient spiritual wisdom. She also trained in holistic energy medicine with Master Lar Short in Total Person Facilitation, including Chinese 5 Element theory, acupressure, meridian balancing and transpersonal psychological techniques. She is certified in Alchemical Hypnotherapy, and trained in Upledger CranioSacral therapy and Thought Field Therapy. She studied personally with Dane Rudhyar, one of the foremost pioneers in humanistic astrology.
She continues to be passionate about bringing forth new resonance frequency healing techniques and sacred syllables from her higher dimensional guides for assisting healing, ascension, spiritual evolution and co-creating a new humanity and a new earth.
To experience her teaching and presenting style,
check out her media and events page.