What people are saying...
"It’s amazing how much better I feel. I can’t thank you enough for helping me and bringing my joy back. You are a true savior!"
~Tatyana, CO
“Katherine Parker is a uniquely gifted healer who is a conduit for miraculous shifts in energy, clearing discordant patterns and ‘tuning’ mind/body/spirit to harmony, vitality and greater wellbeing. Katherine supported me in clearing several issues that have impacted me physically and emotionally for years (perhaps lifetimes!) in a process that was exquisitely relaxing, deeply healing and totally transformational.”
~Pamela Jane Gerrand, musician, songwriter, Canada
I met a friend for lunch as she was telling me I look 10 years younger and feel so different…I know that it’s because of the sessions I’ve received from you. I’m so grateful to have met you and to be part of the Resonance Alchemy community!
~Heidi S., Australia
Our session was fabulous. I feel as if the detox/allergy/no sugar process I’ve been going through was finally integrating. My nervous system took a huge step forward in clearing out the old.
~Lucy, Utah
I really appreciate the work you did on my damaged hip in July. It helped tremendously – more than anything else – to speed the recovery and my comfort.
~Peg, Colorado
More awareness and expansion is beginning to open for me as I relax and continue to release deeply. Katherine, words fail to express my deep gratitude for the divine grace and assistance that Resonance Alchemy has brought to my life and spiritual evolution.
~Diane, Colorado
I believe this work with you is going to be game changing for myself, my son and my family. We have done so much work with various healers, over the years and this shift and lifting I’m experiencing is like nothing I’ve experienced before. I am ready for sessions to come. Thank you!!
~A.W., Nebraska
I started working with Katherine regularly after my mother died. I felt I needed some support to deal with the overwhelming stress and loss I was feeling. During that first remote session I was amazed to feel Katherine remove layers of stress from my system. As I’ve continued to work with her, my core patterns are being revealed and healed! I believe Katherine has the ability to work within deep realms to help me express more of who I really am.
~Ellen L., New Mexico
With the syllables I felt a kind of filmy thing lifting out of my entire being, reaching back into an old car accident trauma I had about 35 years ago. This is such powerful, good work with the syllables! Thank you!
Noona, Colorado
House Clearing Testimonial
“The house feels great Katherine, and I feel so much better! I feel relaxed in this space, which is lovely and [a new experience.] I have finally been having some long deep sleeps too.”
~Heidi, Australia